Economy Events

Starting and Growing a Business : Important Things to Consider

So you have a great idea for a startup business and the only thing that is holding you back is your need for additional business funds. First off, start by being a wise investor yourself, by exposing you and your assets to as little risk as possible. Do not throw all your eggs into one basket, so to speak, once you decide to turn your business idea into a full fledge business venture… Read More

How Much Savings Do You Really Need For Retirement

Are you in your 40’s and may be confused about how much you need to retire? Or the idea of ​​saving such a lot of money is too much to handle? Nonetheless, if you have a reliable plan, you still have plenty of time to save. Know Your Savings Needs Put as many funds into your retirement savings as possible. Should you start off saving for retirement living in your twenties, the general.. Read More

Learne more about business and investment from this... Life of Starting a Startup - such an informative and fun to watch video. This explains the mechanics well, implementing is easier said than done. Applies to tech startups that have a ridiculously high market potential.