Economy Events

Why Trading Makes You Rich?

When you hear the word “trade” you might think of something that involves giving up something of value for another thing of lesser value in return. This type of trading isn’t what we’re discussing here. In this article, we’ll be talking about trading as it relates to the stock market. It’s a way for investors to make money by buying low and selling high. If you want to make money from investing in.. Read More

Biggest Businesses that can Improve the Economy

The economy is not in great shape, and this has left many businesses worried about how the rest of the world will play out. However, not all businesses are struggling. Some are thriving and growing rapidly. These companies tend to be known as “job creators” because they directly employ a lot of people with their activities. Fortunately, there are some businesses that can actually improve the economy if more people start them up.. Read More

How Net 30 Accounts Help Conserve Business Cash Flow

What is business cash flow? Business cash flow is the movement of cash within a company. It usually refers to the amount of money that a business has on hand or in its bank account, but it can also refer to the movement of money within a business. Cash flow management is a key part of running any successful business. To be profitable, it is necessary to have enough cash coming in on.. Read More

Learne more about business and investment from this... Life of Starting a Startup - such an informative and fun to watch video. This explains the mechanics well, implementing is easier said than done. Applies to tech startups that have a ridiculously high market potential.