Economy Events

Why Trading Makes You Rich?

When you hear the word “trade” you might think of something that involves giving up something of value for another thing of lesser value in return. This type of trading isn’t what we’re discussing here. In this article, we’ll be talking about trading as it relates to the stock market. It’s a way for investors to make money by buying low and selling high. If you want to make money from investing in.. Read More

Developing Countries Aim Bitcoin Adoption

  Bitcoin is a revolutionary currency and an asset with immense potential to transform various sectors of the economy. The growing acceptance of Bitcoin is one of the signs of its significant impact on the global economy. However, industry reports show that developing countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia have the highest Bitcoin adoption rates in the world. If you are interested in Bitcoin trading. In 2021, Vietnam, Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya, and.. Read More

Learne more about business and investment from this... Life of Starting a Startup - such an informative and fun to watch video. This explains the mechanics well, implementing is easier said than done. Applies to tech startups that have a ridiculously high market potential.