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Wallin Hester: Caring about Economic Growth

According to the commonly used definition, you speak of economic growth when the number of goods and services is produced. The growth rate measures the percentage increase in real GDP from year to year.

Why should Wallin Hester know about the economic growth principle?

In principle, economic growth can come about in two ways. On the one hand, it comes through improved capacity utilization. And on the other hand, it is through an expansion of production capacities, for example by purchasing new machines. An important measure of the supply of goods and services is the growth per capita of the population.

Technical progress is one of the determining factors of economic growth. But investments in human capital and in real capital, as well as the infrastructure, define the growth level of an economy. Also, more recent approaches underline the significance of political stability and the institutional framework, i.e. regulatory policy, for growth. These factors and above all the rapid progress in information and communication technologies are also considered to be the main driving forces behind the so-called new economy. This is why the government needs lawyers from to help with information related to the economy.

Wallin Hester: Economic growth is the main goal or economic policy

Economic growth is considered one of the main goals of government economic policy almost everywhere in the world. Growth increases the population’s standard of living. It creates jobs, can help to better solve social conflicts, and facilitates structural change. Ultimately, it makes it possible to invest more money in tasks such as environmental protection and development aid.Wallin Hester

However, there are also sceptics. Your criticism of growth in the industrialized countries assumes that the material standard of living in these countries is already sufficient. The production and consumption of a constantly growing amount of goods, therefore, cause ever-greater environmental pollution and thus scarce resources. As a further argument against economic growth in industrialized countries, the critics cite that due to the high labour productivity, full employment can no longer be achieved through growth anyway.

This criticism gave rise to the demand for qualitative growth. Growth should therefore first and foremost be environmentally friendly and conserve resources. Technical progress, such as microelectronics, should ensure that the value of goods increases through higher quality and not through the use of more material. As far as the economic use of resources is concerned, the critics are running open doors, because the resource intensity of macroeconomic production and growth has been declining for decades.

How Developing Countries’ Economy Benefit from Outsourcing

Call Center Agents


Outsourcing benefits companies in a very number of ways, from cutting costs, increasing the standard of their products and services to helping them grow their bottom line. This can be a fact known to both multinational companies and SMEs based in developed countries who are outsourcing aspects of their businesses, particularly to developing countries, for years. But at the receiving end of the process, how does it help the people? How does outsourcing help developing countries?

The economic impact of outsourcing to third-world countries

For over 20 years, companies in developed nations have increasingly outsourced parts of their business processes to developing countries like India, the Philippines, Indonesia, and others. This phenomenon has given rise to what’s now called remote working or, in millennial speak, being a “digital nomad.” this is often because most outsourced or remote workers today can be seen lugging their laptops in cafés or wherever they’re going or typically have their own residence offices founded at their convenience.

Non-critical business functions are passed on to economies that have lower marketplace rates, the concept of outsourcing is easy and straightforward: customer service, bookkeeping, accounting, marketing, and human resources, among others, such functions include.

Outsourcing could be a welcome concept not only for companies looking to outsource, delegate or sub-contract business activities but also for third-world nations like India and therefore the Philippines—being tapped for outsourcing jobs are the two English-speaking Asian countries whose talent pools. Outsourcing has developed the labor forces of those countries for specific industries and positively addressed the growing pct in developing nations.

In the Philippines, what has become the economic lifeline for nearly the complete nation is the outsourcing industry. Together with interchange remittances, bringing in near US$ 20 million (PHP 1 billion) total revenue, over 500,000 Filipinos are employed by business process outsourcing (BPO) companies and BPO’s are now the highest interchange earner within the Philippines. As the country’s capital region alone, Metro Manila is now a growing hub for several outsourcing sub-industries just like the call center industry, and since of this, the Philippines is now referred to as the decision Center Capital of the planet, with 16% to 18% of the world market share.

As for India, many of whom are employed by US companies, Bangalore alone is home to over 100 thousand tech workers. Across the state, 1 million people are working for US-based companies like GE Capital and Microsoft. American technology companies are outsourced to India for years. In fact, which is already one-third of the country’s workforce, and is continuously shifting a number of its critical business operations to the South Asian nation, tech giant IBM is employing 130,000 people in India.


ALSO READ: Effects of Divorce on Your Financial Earnings


Addressing the social Issues

But the underside line isn’t just what outsourcing companies are after. They’re also helping stabilize communities and transform societies in third-world nations. Recognizing the positive socio-economic impact of outsourcing businesses are many governments and non-government stakeholders in developing countries.

Promoting education among impoverished communities and providing food and shelter to the homeless, for instance, information management company Convergys has the Community Action Network (CAN). While Sykes’ Global Giveback effort supports local clinical health services and good conditions, BPO giant Teleperformance is specializing in providing learning opportunities. Likewise, distributing $100,000 each to local grassroots charity organizations are three community boards of telecom company Telus, which are located within the Philippines, Central American nation, and Guatemala.

At Outsourcing Angel, we do our part too, by reinvesting our profits into community projects within the Philippines. We’ve contributed to feeding programs for hillside tribes, conducted donation drives of essential medical supplies, and have supported the efforts of Tribu Ni Bro (TNB) in their efforts to supply alternative energy generation capabilities to remote tribes. Additionally, where our virtual assistants volunteer their time and knowledge to show disadvantaged kids computer literacy skills, we are involved in a very partnership with the Virlanie Foundation. To seek out out more about or to increase aid, please visit our OALoveProject website,

Important jobs

Outsourcing can provide people in developing countries with well-paid jobs that may not be available to them otherwise. These jobs don’t seem to be just low-end, low-skilled jobs that were created to support minor business functions. Outsourcing companies are seeking professional and skilled individuals who can support mission-critical aspects of the business, they aren’t merely searching for cheap labor.

Knowing that they need employment that may support their families, outsourcing also provides workers with a way of pride and fulfillment. As most of them are college graduates who feel that they might never get jobs that would pay them US$400 to US$500 a month—the starting salary for many call centers—without this sort of opportunity, outsourced jobs are important to the folks that get them. They’re not only given employment opportunities but also an opportunity to climb up the career ladder. Confident about themselves, dignified, and optimistic, this helps create young workers.

Helping them gain the time and freedom to be with their families for important milestones and have helped them gain much financial freedom additionally, the many job opportunities that Outsourcing Angel has given to our virtual assistants. This chance to figure from the house is much cherished and makes an immensely positive impact on the lives of our angels from building their dream homes, to spending quality time with their families, to having an internet career.

For outsourced workers in developing countries, what’s out there?

Thus, outsourcing, in general, presents a bright future for India, the Philippines, and other developing countries—enriching the general economies and strengthening the economic well-being of those who are employed by outsourcing companies. Does outsourcing help developing countries? Yes, it most certainly does!


Effects of Divorce on Your Financial Earnings

Your divorce has an impact on your income. You are suddenly faced with decisions that you never had to make during the marriage or registered partnership. For example, how will you divide your pension, what will or will you not pay for child support, and are you now entitled to other allowances? It does not matter whether you are getting a divorce and currently have no income or if you are going to divorce with income: the current situation will change a lot. Creating financial insight for yourself is very important during the divorce. By the way, you can see also here on LA Century Law the other law that will satisfy your other needs.

The financial aspect of the divorce

Thinking about your finances and whether you will manage it all yourself after the divorce, often happens at an early stage of the divorce. Or sometimes even before you have talked to your (ex-) partner about your idea of ​​breaking up. You may be wondering if you can afford the divorce. Or maybe you’re wondering if you should postpone the divorce until you’re more financially independent?

Divorce with little income

Your divorce itself doesn’t have to be expensive. Even with little or almost no income, you can divorce, because there are subsidy options for people with little income. The divorce can be arranged with the aid of a government subsidy for € 37.- (excl. court fees). Often you will not really notice the financial consequences of the divorce until after the divorce, but that does not mean that you have to postpone your divorce. If you break up well prepared, you will reap the benefits later. For example, you can use Nibud ‘s calculation tool to see what your financial situation will be after the divorce. On the basis of this, you can make good agreements during the divorce. Are you getting a divorce and do you and/or your (former) partner not have enough income to support yourself after the divorce? Then you will have to find solutions for this sooner or later. It is good to know what consequences a divorce has on your income and what changes.


If you do not have your own income and are going to divorce, it is advisable to ensure that you receive an income. Your earning capacity is examined to determine whether you may be entitled to a financial contribution. If you do not have sufficient earning capacity, your (ex-) partner must support you financially. Provided that your (former) partner has sufficient financial income. The financial contribution is called alimony. Alimony is an arrangement whereby a financial contribution is made to the person who needs financial support after the divorce. Paying or receiving alimony only exists between ex-spouses. The amount and duration of payment or receipt of alimony are agreed upon during the divorce. However, legal deadlines also apply. The duration of the entitlement to spousal maintenance differs from the duration of entitlement to child maintenance. Sometime after the divorce, the amount or term can be adjusted in consultation or if necessary.

Partner alimony

Spousal maintenance is for the (former) partner who cannot provide for his or her own livelihood after the divorce. Or if that person cannot live in the same way after the divorce as they lived during the divorce. For example: if you were a member of an expensive golf club during the marriage and you only bought designer clothes, but you can no longer afford it after the divorce. Thanks to the free spousal alimony calculation tool, you can calculate approximately how much spousal alimony there is.

Child support

Child support is a financial contribution for the benefit of your child(ren) until they reach the age of 18. The amount that the child support recipient receives is then intended for expenses for the benefit of your child(ren). A calculation will determine how much that amount is.

Survey Reveals Child Tax Credit Motivated Majority of Americans to Work More

According to Washington University researchers, 94% of parents now wants to continue working after they received the first tax credit installment in July. The group of researchers also included research teams from the Humanity Forward, the Urban Institute, UNC-Greensboro.

The new enhanced Child Tax Credit (CTC) takes effect this year year, entitling families to receive up to $3,000 [n 2021, per qualifying child ranging between ages 6 and 17. Families with children aged below 6, will be receive $3,600 for each below-6 child, at the end of the year.

The U.S Treasury Department and IRS reported that around $15 billion has been credited to the bank accounts of 35.2 million families in the country, as the earliest advance child tax credit payments. The IRS added that the average amount received as first installment is $423, which can help approximately 60 million children.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen remarked that this is the first time in the history of America that working families received monthly tax relief payments that can help families pay for essential expenses. including groceries, school supplies, and doctor’s visits. Ms. Yellen considers this as the first step in beginning down the country’s child poverty rate, which is not only a notable economic improvement but also a moral victory.

Survey Reveals the Significance of the CTC to Other Families

While the majority of working Americans have been motivated to engage in more work, 6.4% of the respondents to the survey plan to do the opposite. To them, the CTC means they will be able to work for fewer hours or find employment that requires less hours of work so they can spend more time looking after their children. About 20% will use the credit as means to stay home and let their spouse work, while 11.2%, mostly parents of toddlers and infants said that the CTC will change their work status.

Social Work associate professor Leah Hamilton of Appalachian State believes it’s important for parents, particularly mothers, to meet the caretaking requirements of their children. Hamilton added receiving tax credits would aid families in raising their children with a better footing whilst still making long-term contributions to the country’s economy.

Way To The Right Retirement Fund

If you want to be financially secure in old age then you cannot rely solely on the statutory pension. In the rarest of cases, this is sufficient to continue to live like when you were employed. If you don’t want to fall into old-age poverty, you should definitely make a private provision or retirement fund.

Take stock intended for retirement fund

In order to know whether the later retirement is good enough for life, there is no avoiding an inventory. It is important to find out how much pension you will probably receive from your compulsory insurance. This depends on the occupational group from the statutory pension or from the professional pension scheme. Take a look at your annual pension information and then estimate what is missing. This is the so-called pension gap.

Know the options for retirement planning

The overview of possible types of old-age provision is better if you assign the respective form of provision to certain categories.

It is important to stick for the long term and choose a fund that contains many stocks from different countries, industries and currencies. Then fluctuations on the stock exchanges tend to even out and the chance of a good positive annual return increases.

Those who invest money flexibly do not enjoy special tax advantages. For example, the saver pays contributions to ETFs from the net income that has already been taxed. He then has to tax interest or dividend income and subsequent sales proceeds again at the withholding tax rate.

Examine the individual pension options

Once you have an overview of common pension options, the hardest exercise comes. You have to make a decision. This decision is individual and depends on your life situation. However, a few questions can help in your decision-making.retirement fund

  • Which types of pensions can you choose? Not all forms are lockable for all professional groups.
  • Which form of the provision makes the most sense in your situation? Depending on your income and family situation, one or the other contract is more worthwhile.
  • What type of investor are you? Would you like a small but secure supplementary pension? Or do you want to take advantage of the opportunities on the stock market and are you ready to take a certain risk?

If you keep your investment such as stocks for the long term, the likelihood that they will generate profits increases.

The Futures Market and The Economy

The Act of Hedging in the Futures Market

The futures market can be a great way to hedge against a price rise or a price drop. It allows producers and consumers to take advantage of hedging to minimize the risk of losing money due to price fluctuation.

The act of hedging helps the way our economy functions by allowing producers and consumers to price in the price fluctuation. If there is a huge drop in price, producers will cut production and consumers will both cut down on spending until the price of the commodity changes. That’s why the futures market is important.

Example: If a farmer plants wheat in summer. The farmer runs the risk of losing money during harvest and sale when the price drops. The farmer can minimize this risk by offering futures contracts that guarantee a predetermined price when harvest time kicks in.

The futures contract

The futures contract is a contract between the two parties to exchange a commodity in the future at a predetermined price.

The contract is prior to the actual use of the commodity: wheat/barley/rice.

When the contract is sold, the buyer is purchasing the right to receive the commodity based on the agreed-upon price at a future date.

For example, the contract reads as follows: “The seller agrees to deliver 10,000 bushels of wheat at a price of $1.50 per bushel at the end of the month of September.” The buyer will pay the price of $1.50 per bushel for the commodity or the difference, if any, between the contract price and the actual price at that time.

Effect of a futures contract on the economy

Futures contracts help the economy because they allow people to lock in a price. The price includes a margin of safety. This is important because if the price of wheat goes up, the farmer is guaranteed to make the original contract price even though the wheat was sold at a lower price.

Futures contracts have the same effect on the economy as any other type of security. If futures contracts cannot be traded, the opposite effect will occur.

For example, if a farmer cannot sell contracts to cover the future price for wheat in exchange for a negotiated price, he or she must sell it at the price at which it was purchased.

Trading futures contracts

Trading futures contracts is easier to understand when the contracts are traded in a real environment. Retail traders and professional traders alike can benefit from futures trading if they know how to trade futures contracts.

If you’re an individual who sees potential for futures trading, it can be done in any environment. But there are some environments that are more conducive to futures trading than others. If you are interested in trading futures contracts, you may as well take a look at overseas futures trading too. A Plus Assets offer this type of trading (해외선물).

How to trade futures contracts

How to trade futures contracts can vary depending on the type of futures contract and the trading environment.

The most common type of futures contract is the option contract. An option contract works like this:

  • An option is a right to purchase or sell a futures contract at a predetermined price. It can be exercised at any time before the expiration date.
  • The differential between the price of the futures contract and the current price of the stock is the option premium. The premium is paid to the options broker.
  • The option broker must be certain that the buyer will be able to pay back the premium.
  • Option contracts are closed through the clearinghouse process or they can be traded on an exchange.

Options are traded electronically on an exchange where they are then converted into the underlying commodity. The underlying commodity is then traded on the exchange. The option contracts are then converted back into cash.

Examining the Role of Futures Contracts

Futures contracts are a cornerstone of the economy because they allow producers and consumers to act on the basis of future conditions to reduce or eliminate the risk of loss. The futures market is an important tool for hedging and can be used as a form of credit as well as a hedge.


The Impact of Smartphones to Your Finances

iPhones and iPads


Your smartphone may affect your financial health past the monthly service invoice.

Smartphones are anywhere. Based on Pew Research, 77 percent of Americans have a smartphone. That is over double ownership in 2011 (35 percent).

A lot of people can’t recall what life exactly like ahead of our smartphone. Only the idea of breaking or losing our telephone sends us into a state of fear.

Smartphones are a double-edged sword for the majority of us. We all find them harmful and useful at precisely exactly the exact identical moment.

This is sometimes accurate as it pertains to our fiscal wellness. Occasionally they could provide help. But occasionally they could hurt.

First, let us think about how they could help how we handle our cash.

  • Mobile giving. A checkbook is no more vital to provide. Smartphones supply quite a few ways for dinosaurs and other non-profits to obtained gifts. Text lending continues to rise in popularity. Many non-profits have programs whereby you are able to give. And for all those organizations which don’t have a program, it is possible to nonetheless give by obtaining their site via your mobile’s browser. We are now able to react to God’s call in our lives to become generous immediately.
  • Mobile banking. Many banks provide programs for smartphones. They provide fast and convenient methods to check accounts and pay invoices. For those banks which don’t give you a program, you’re still able to handle your cash through their site onto your mobile cell phone.
  • Budgeting programs. There are lots of fantastic programs out there that will help you keep tabs on your spending. A fast look in your financial plan before your purchase may be the difference between getting into debt or remaining debt. Listed below are a couple of fantastic budgeting program choices –Mint, EveryDollar, along with Mvelopes.
  • Cost contrast. Smartphones assist us to locate the best prices. With only a couple of hunts, we’re able to make sure we don’t invest more than we now must for a commodity.


ALSO READ: Ways To Help Increase Your Net Worth


Smartphones will help us chase fiscal well-being. But they are also able to deteriorate it.

Listed below are a couple of ways how our telephones hurt our financing.

  • Maintaining us together with the Joneses. No more do we celebrate that the lifestyle of these within our area and office. Social networking enables us to see that the filtered lifestyle of their acquaintances and friends around the country and globe. We visit their homes, cars, clothing, and holidays. From time to time, we find ourselves in a country a hindrance to our very own way of life. And a man who’s continually frustrated with their lifestyle is frequently someone who’s always in debt.
  • Impulse buying. We do not have to walk to our own computers to produce a buy. We pull our telephone a press several buttons. Our desire will probably arrive on the doorstep in a day approximately. Smartphones remove any delay between the first want and also the action of buying. Good thing there are no credit check iPhone products is sold.
  • A Reduction in productivity. We invest a good deal of time with our telephones. Many times, it’s time squandered. We can readily locate our inattentiveness Fixing our fiscal wellness. Our lack of growth in work hurts our earnings and may result in job loss. We could waste time on matters which aren’t valuable to use and dismiss the ways a telephone can be handy to people.

The smartphone really is a sword that is pleated. Affect your smartphone to help, not harm, your fiscal wellness.


The Merry Month of June Shows Positive Reports on Employee-Hiring

The Labor Department’s June 2021 reports show that actual employee-hiring in the U.S. has increased by 850,000, which is more than 706K projected by Dow Jones. The increase was linked to non-farm payrolls, which denotes that U.S. businesses have been stepping up in their recovery initiatives to make up for lost revenues incurred during the 2020 pandemic outbreak.

The securities markets reacted positively as futures on major indexes exhibited modest gains before trading closed for the July 04 holiday weekend.

Chief Strategist Seema Shah at Principal Global Investors remarked that the Labor Department’s latest job reports is an all-out positive indicator for the markets. Ms. Shah further commented to CNBC that the improvement is reflective of the slight easing of constraints that have held back the employment market during the past months.

Industries Where Hiring Accelerated During the Month of June

The acceleration of hiring during the month of June brings the total jobs lost and recovered to 15.6 million. More than 22.3 million U.S. citizens lost their jobs during the height of the pandemic outbreak in March and April 2020 as a result of government-imposed shut downs and business restrictions.

That being the case, there is still need for greater improvement as the total employment level is still below 7.13 million below the pre-pandemic level reported in February 2020.

The hospitality industry has been seeing the highest number of returning workers, particularly in restaurants, bars, hotels and similar businesses. As restrictions eased throughout the country, hiring in the hospitality industry took on 343,000 new workers, of which 194,000 are attributed to bars and restaurants.

Some sectors of the services industry such as personal and laundry services, hired an additional 29,000, while social assistance jobs added 32,000 employees. Workers in the mining industry increased by 10,000 while wholesale traders added 21,000 new hires. Manufacturers also stepped up with their activities, which required the hiring of 15,000 employees during the month.

The positivity of the report about increased employment was enhanced by a corollary acceleration of wage gains. As Dow Jones had estimated, average hourly earnings of workers increased by 0.33%, yielding a 3.6% increase in wages based on a year-on-year comparison.

The Effects of Stock Market on the Economy

Stock Market


Movements from the stock exchange may have a profound financial effect on the market and individual customers. A fall in share prices has the capability to cause a widespread economic disturbance. Most beautifully, that the stock exchange crash of 1929 proved to be an important element in precipitating the good depression of the 1930s. However, daily moves in the stock exchange also can have significantly less influence on the market than we could imagine. The stock exchange isn’t the true market. Share prices may vary for several reasons — for example adjusting an over-valuation, as well as big drops in conversation, don’t automatically lead to reduce growth.

A well-known joke would be:

Stock markets have called out 10 from their past few recessions.

The purpose is a quick fall in share prices, which does not necessarily indicate the market is performing poorly.

By way of instance, the stock exchange crash of 1987, did not lead to any financial harm in the true market (although it did affect monetary policy). The United Kingdom cut rates in dread that the stock exchange crash could make a downturn. Rather, flat-rate prices resulted in an economic boom with accelerated rates of economic growth.

The 1987 stock market crash (where stocks fell 25 percent in value) did not reflect serious financial troubles, and the entire world market continued to grow at an adequate rate.

2008 Share price drops

On the other hand, the drop in share prices 2008/09 was representing the genuine financial troubles and following the share price drops of 2008, we did receive a steep recession beginning at the end of 2008 ancient 2009. The decreasing share prices and monetary instability led in a small way into the financial recession.

2020 Chat cost drops

The drop in share prices at the beginning of the calendar year mostly reflects uncertainty and concern over the international spread of Coronavirus. Share prices have dropped 15 percent and may fall further. There are great reasons to consider these share price drops do represent a genuine financial shock and may be the precursor to a downturn in 2020. The share price drops reflect — not promote adjustment — but a sense of disruption of outlets, a disturbance to the free movement of goods and people, and also a shock to aggregate demand as customers and company cut back on investment and consumption.

2000- 2004 Bear marketplace

Between 2000 and 2004, share prices dropped steadily (notably in 2002). This didn’t trigger an economic downturn, however, economic growth has been quite powerful from 2000-2007 — visit good moderation. Share price drops were partially an alteration to overvalued technology stocks, doubt after the 9/11 terrorist assault, and only an overall bear market. But this shock wasn’t important to the market — that the Federal Reserve reacted by cutting interest rates, along with the market soon recovered in the temporary blip later Sept 2001.

To put it differently, share costs alone don’t induce economic recessions, however, should share prices reflect a basic weakness in the market — they then might be the harbinger of an economic downturn.

Plummeting share costs may create headline news. However, just how much should we fear when share prices collapse? How can this affect the normal user? And how can this affect the market?

Fiscal Impacts of the inventory exchange

1. Wealth effect

The very first impact is that individuals with stocks will observe a drop in their own prosperity. If the collapse is important, it is going to influence their financial view. If they’re losing money on stocks they’ll be hesitant to shell out money; this may promote a drop in consumer spending. But this effect shouldn’t be given too much significance. Often individuals who purchase stocks are more wealthy and willing to eliminate money; their spending patterns are often independent of share costs, particularly for short-term reductions. Additionally, just around 10 percent of households own stocks — for nearly all customers, they won’t be directly influenced by a drop in share rates.

The wealth impact is much more notable in the home marketplace (e.g. falling home prices change more customers).

2. Impact on pensions

Anyone having a personal retirement or investment trust is going to be impacted by the stock exchange, at least. Pension funds spend a substantial portion of the capital in the stock exchange. Consequently, if there’s a severe and protracted drop in share costs, it lessens the worth of pension capital. This usually means that future retirement payouts will probably likely be reduced. If share prices drop a lot, pension funds may fight to satisfy their promises. The main issue is that the long-term motions in the share rates. If share prices drop for quite a while, then it will surely impact pension capital and prospective payouts. This might cause families to have reduced pension income, and they could feel that the need to conserve in different conditions.


ALSO READ: Policymakers and Economists Petition for Adoption of Universal Basic Income


3. Confidence

As experienced by stock brokerage firms such as AJ Bell  to learn more share price moves are indicative of what is going on in the market. For example, a panic of a downturn and worldwide downturn could lead to share prices collapse. The stock exchange itself may impact consumer confidence. Bad headlines of decreasing share costs are just another element that discourages individuals from paying. By way of instance, the stock exchange drops of 2008/09 represented the drop in optimism. By itself, it might not have a lot of impacts, but together with falling home prices, share prices might be a discouraging element. But, there are instances once the stock exchange can seem out of step with the remainder of the market. At the thickness of a downturn, share costs will increase as investors look ahead to some recovery two years later on.

4. Investment

Falling share prices may hamper companies’ capacity to raise funds on the stock exchange. Businesses that are expanding and want to borrow frequently do this by issuing more stocks — it supplies a cheap manner of borrowing additional money. But with decreasing share prices it gets a lot harder.

5. Bond market

A drop in the stock exchange makes additional investments more appealing. Folks can go from stocks and to government bonds or stones. These investments provide you a much greater yield in times of doubt. Though occasionally the Stock Exchange may be falling above issues in government bond markets (e.g. Euro financial crisis).

Exactly how can the stock exchange affect ordinary men and women?

Most of us who don’t own stocks will be mostly unaffected by short-term moves in the stock exchange. But, ordinary employees aren’t totally unaffected by the stock exchange.

1. Monetary funds

Many private retirement funds will invest in the stock exchange. A considerable and prolonged drop in the stock exchange could result in a drop in the value of the retirement fund, and it might lead to reducing pension payouts if they retire. In the same way, if the stock market does well, the value of retirement funds could grow. Even if individuals do not own stocks, it’s fairly likely people who have a private retirement are going to have some link to the stock exchange.

But most stocks are owned by the wealthiest 10 percent of earnings owners. In accordance with the newspaper on middle-class riches, the weakest 90 percent of income earners — have only 7 percent of equity. Therefore a drop in share prices mostly impacts the top 10 percent of wealthy families.

2. Company investment

The stock exchange might be a supply of company investment, e.g. companies offering new shares to fund investment. This may result in more jobs and development. The stock exchange could be a source of a personal fund when a bank fund is constrained. On the other hand, the stock exchange isn’t normally the first supply of funds. Most investment is generally funded through bank loans instead of discussing choices. The stock exchange simply plays a small role in deciding jobs and investments.

3. Short-termism

It might be argued consumers and workers can be negatively influenced by the short-termism the stock exchange supports. Shareholders usually need larger dividends. Therefore, companies listed in the stock exchange may feel under pressure to boost short-term gains. This may cause cost-cutting which impacts employees (e.g. zero charge hours), and also even the company may be tempted to engage in collusive practices that push up costs for customers. It’s been contended that UK companies are somewhat more vulnerable to short-termism since the stock exchange plays a larger role in funding companies. In Germany, companies are more inclined to be funded by long-term loans. Usually, banks are more enthusiastic about the long-term achievement of companies and are ready to promote additional investment, as opposed to short-term profit maximization.


Policymakers and Economists Petition for Adoption of Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income (UBI) has long been gaining support from policymakers and economists, more so now, after the pandemic created global economic problems. The concept promotes a system of providing Universal Basic Income in which governments sets up a safety-net fund for adult citizens in the event of another catastrophic event like the COVID-19 outbreak. As such, this program aims to ease poverty by modifying need-based social programs that require too much bureaucratic participation.

In the U.S. UBI has been gaining support even before the occurrence of the coronavirus pandemic but also in light of industrial automations that resulted in the reduction of labor force. In having set aside money that laid off workers can use while seeking for new employment, unemployment benefits somehow helped the economy thrive, since consumer spending remained steadfast. However, the concept of instituting a UBI government system is very popular mostly among left-wing academicians and economists.

Germany had actually trialled a similar system under a 3-year study, which paid $1,400 to 120 Germans on a monthly basis. Although a UBI system also went into in Finland and in the province of Manitoba, in Canada, the concept has not gained considerable attention from their respective politicians.

UBI Proposed by Academicians as Solution to Mitigate Effects of Pandemic

The pandemic has unexpectedly caused governments to spend part of their annual budget to provide workers with compensation while on temporary leave as a result of lockdown orders. Some other countries have increased provisions, as policymakers saw how having a UBI system in place can lessen the negative effects of the pandemic on government budgets.

Last year, more than five hundred public figures and scholars from different parts of the world came together and signed a petition for governments to enact emergency basic income during the crisis. Supporters argued that the program could help self-employed individuals and small businesses that do not qualify for stimulus packages. Moreover, people will not be forced to go to work in crowded workplaces where social distancing is not feasible.

A few countries have already heeded the call to implement the concept of UBI. Spain, one of the countries severely affected since the pandemic first broke out, has been providing poor families with monthly unemployment benefits of about $1,145.

Why Australians Need a Licensed Finance Broker When Buying a Car on Finance

In order to make ownership of a new car manageable, obtaining the right car loan to fund a purchase is a key factor when planning to buy a vehicle on finance. Although car dealerships offer finance deals to make the buying process simple and faster, it’s important that the person making the offer is duly licensed to offer credit facilities; or at the least, be an authorized representative of a licensed credit facilitator. Mainly because licensed lenders and finance brokers are under obligation to provide, or facilitate a credit contract that will not put a borrower at a disadvantage.

Sales-Driven Financing Deals Offered by Many Australian Car Dealerships

Although in Australia, car dealerships were given exemption from the car licensing requirement prescribed by the country’s National Credit Act, the exemption will soon be abolished. The Australian government is currently poised to remove the said credit licensing exemption of car dealerships and their representatives, based on the recommendation of the Royal Commission. The latter made the recommendation after conducting a year-long investigation and hearing known as the Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry.

The findings revealed that due to their exemption from any legal obligation to offer or facilitate only fair and equitable credit contracts, many car dealerships sold automobiles on finance that benefited only their sales-driven interests. As a result, numerous automotive consumers were burdened with car loans they could not afford to settle; wasted money on monthly payments and eventually lost the vehicle to lenders who repossessed them as loan collaterals.

The Importance of Hiring a Licensed Finance Broker

Even if there is a multitude of banks and financing institutions that can provide car loans to consumers, the first step to buying a new car by way of finance in Australia, is to look for a duly licensed car loan broker. Mainly because they can help you work out a car financing deal that matches your personal finance by negotiating with a lender on your behalf. The rationale behind this kind of financing service is the fact that Australian finance brokers are holders of an Australian Credit License that binds them to the following general conduct obligations when brokering a deal:

1.  To act honestly, fairly and efficiently.

2.  To possess adequate competency when engaging in consumer credit activities; as well as ensure that they will authorize only competent representatives who will act on their behalf as a credit licensee

3.  To make certain that their clients are not put at a disadvantage, by recommending car loan contracts that are not in conflict with their clients’ interests.

4. To comply with the rules and guidelines prescribed by the National Credit Act such as, but not limited to the following:

  • Ascertain and verify a customer’s financial conditions to determine the type of credit contract that best suits the concerned individual.
  • To properly disclose and explain the terms and conditions of a car loan contract to the customer and make sure that the latter has a thorough understanding of the related credit obligations.
  • While Australian finance brokers may hold in trust the money set aside by a client for monthly payment/s, a separate trust account must be maintained for the said money.

To cite an example, the National Loans Australia, is one of the leading providers of financial services in the country, not only because the finance experts are holders of an Australian Credit License. The company itself has had more than 24 years of providing suitable financing solutions to consumers looking to buy a vehicle, whether from a private seller or from a dealer. Moreover, feedback from satisfied clients can attest to the efficiency of their services in helping them obtain a car loan that is equitable to their personal or business finance.

Ways To Help Increase Your Net Worth

In terms of finances, you might be focused on various numbers such as your savings account, checking account, retirement account and your trading and investing accounts. Or you might be concentrated on your credit card debts, mortgage, or student loan, not to mention your income and your expenses. These numbers are all vital in order to better understand your financial health as a whole. However, one particular number will determine how successful and fruitful you are when it comes to building your future assets, this is your net worth.

Net Worth – What Is It?

Net worth is the difference of the worth of what you own, for instance your house, investment accounts, or retirement funds, minus certain liabilities such as credit card debts and mortgage. Your net worth is a crucial number as this could aid in determining how much your liabilities and/or debts can influence your wealth in the future and underscore the areas you need to concentrate on prior to your retirement.

Individuals with high net worth represent only under 1% of the total population of the world. However, when their wealth is combined, this would account for over 40% of the total wealth of the world.

A high-net-worth individual or HNWI is an individual or a household that has liquid assets that goes over a particular figure, typically $1 million and over. The term HNWI is usually used in the industry of financial services. While there isn’t any accurate definition as to how wealthy a person should be to be included in this category, in general, high net worth is quoted with reference to liquid assets of a certain figure. But the precise amount would differ from one financial institution to another but can span from individuals with a net wealth that is 6- to 7- or figures or more.

Ways To Increase Your Net Worth

If you want to calculate your net worth, you need to look into and count up everything that you own which includes your assets in your 401(k) and investments. Create a separate list and add up of all your outstanding balances that you owe. Deduct the total amount of your outstanding balances from the total value of everything that you own. The difference will be your net worth.

So, were you pleasantly astonished by your net worth or were you expecting it to be a bit higher? Don’t fret as there are some things that you could do to grow your net worth.


Have a comprehensive look at and asses all your liabilities. Know how much owe you every month and check if there are liabilities that you could reduce or perhaps eliminate. Cutting down your debts could greatly help in growing your net worth.


You may know what assets you have, but not know how much they are worth combined. Review all of your assets to get an estimate amount. Your major assets would be your primary residence, vacation home/s and/or rental properties, your investments as well as valuable collectibles or collections.


The less your expenses are, the more wealth you can amass in net worth. Do a budget review to see your current expenditures and check where you can trim down your expenses, whether big or small. For instance, cancelling magazine subscriptions or getting rid of one or two cars if you have multiple as this will greatly cut down your expenses on car payments.


Settling your mortgage the soonest possible time will definitely increase your net worth as this is one of the biggest liabilities.

When it comes to growing your net worth, it is about making use of an effective and efficient strategy which is designed to tackle every area of your financial plan. By formulating a strategy and making it work altogether, you could steadily increase your net worth.

What’s Wrong with Robinhood: FTC Reports Growing Complaints vs. the Company

The Federal Trade Commission reported there has been an outpouring of complaints filed by users of Robinhood’s investment app since January 24 to February 02. Many aired complaints about not being allowed to convert their holdings into cash; preventing them from transferring to other brokerage firms. More than a hundred complaints were related to the way the company handles concerns being communicated to customer service support.

Still, despite the numerous complaints filed against Robinhood, this company still managed to gain approximately 600,000 new customers in the past week. This info was based on the number of people who downloaded the Robinhood app, whilst signing up as new members. According to a post, the company’s venture capital investors are still backing Robinhood because number of new users definitely surpassed the numbers of those who stopped using Robinhood’s financial services.

Still, several legislators and users accuse Robinhood of manipulating the market by partnering with hedge funds managers that short sell stocks. Yet the company defended that the decision to suspend the recent GameStop buying spree was made based on the need to limit the buy activities in accordance with the capital requirement of Game Stop; and not due to requests made by financial market makers.

SEC Investigations Saw Robinhood Pay $65 Million in Civil Penalty

In a related news last week, the SEC disclosed that in order to work out the allegations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Robinhood agreed to pay $65 million as civil penalty. The federal agency claimed that in several instances, Robinhood failed to divulge payments received from trading firms to whom the company traded user data. According to the SEC, Robinhood was also filed for not doing its duty of finding the best available terms in executing customer orders.

The SEC settlement was made after William F. Galvin, a top Massachusetts securities regulator, accused Robinhood of violating a state law that prohibits the use of aggressive tactics in luring inexperienced investors. Galvin also mentioned that Robinhood gamified their mobile application to encourage repetitive use of their app and of their service. The financial services company rejected such accusations.

Common Issues Raised with Customer Service

Most of the complaints sent to FTC were about imposed trading limits similar to what happened with GameStop. Complaints also cited users’ annoyance with Robinhood’s poor customer service. User complaints expressed frustrations over customer support whenever they raise issues about limited trading options and hacked accounts.

Not a few users told FTC about their inability to withdraw their money or to trade stock; but they can still deposit money if there is a need. The general consensus is that there is very little chance that the company’s customer service will respond to a a complaint, even after sending multiple emails.

Robinhood’s Response to Customer Service Complaints

Robinhood responded that they recently hired hundreds of registered financial representatives; boasting that last year, they beefed up customer support team by three times. The company claims they did so after learning that their users were already more than 13 million.

The financial services company contends that users can reach them by phone on a case to case basis, but the company considers emails as the best way to communicate problems.

Collection Of Debt – Things To Do To Follow-up Late Payments

Collection of debt is common in just about each business that operates since this one of the components of the business and corporate landscape. Today, the economy is tough and this could mean that customers may be having a difficult time than usual in paying their debts. When invoices begin to pile up and are not getting paid, it may be a good time and wise decision to to hire the service of a professional collection agency to provide help in the collection of debt or in getting these debts paid.

Collection of Debt – What To Do

Collection agencies are professionals in business to business (B2B) debt collection. Similar to any industry, there’re right and wrong approaches to carry out debt collections. While hiring an expert collection agency is one good approach to get those debts paid, there are other things you can first try. Below are a few:

Prepare Yourself Mentally

Expect customers who are late in their payments to have all sorts of excuses. It is crucial that you prepare yourself mentally and that you need to be friendly yet remain professional and firm. If you don’t prepare yourself, customers may take advantage of this and walk all over you. If negotiating isn’t your strong suit, delegate the task to a person in  your company who can handle this.

Follow-up Unpaid Invoices

A lot of entrepreneurs tolerate customers who are late or delayed in settling their debts, probably because they want to avoid any confrontation, don’t want to offend anyone or perhaps are just very busy and preoccupied to track all receivables. First thing you have to do is to make time to review at least one day in a week all your receivables using your accounting software. Afterwards, establish and stick to a system that will help you make a follow-up on debts that are 3 days late, 1 week late, 15 days late, 30 days late and 45 days late.

Send a Reminder Letter

Letters, whether by post or email, are a mannerly way to give customers a reminder of debt payments that they might have unnoticed and overlooked. Since it is in letter form, customers won’t take this reminder personally or in a negative light.  But, do remember that sending reminders have to be done several days prior the due date. Make a generic letter for you to be able to use in every situation.

Give Them a Call

If you haven’t received the payment or haven’t heard from your customer after 30 days, give them a call as phone calls are much harder to disregard and ignore compared to letters. In numerous circumstances, when customers or clients are phoned, they usually let the cat out of the bag, revealing why they aren’t able to pay their dues.

Car Accident Laws: Pres-Elect Biden Allowed the Law to Work Despite His Tragic Loss

In every write-up about President-elect Joe Biden’s background, there’s alway a mention of the car crash that took away the lives of his first wife and daughter. The sad part about the story is that the results of the investigation declared the truck driver not at fault, and was cleared of any responsibility related to the car crash. It just goes to show that in car crash incidents, the related laws and guiding principles serve as bases in determining who is at fault if to pinpoint who will be held responsible for the resulting injuries and damages.

Apparently, Mr. Biden was unable to claim settlement from the truck driver’s insurance company because the police report stated that Mrs. Neilia Biden had run through a stop signal. There was a possibility that she was distracted by the two young boys Beau and Hunter. Yet it also made us realize that even from the early years of his political career, Mr. Biden didn’t use his political position to influence the results of the investigations.

Considering also that the president-elect had first worked as an attorney before shifting to a political career, his knowledge and understanding of the law overcame his misgivings about the real cause of the accident. Mr. Biden though, rarely spoke about the details of the incident, not even about the reasons why he had accused the truck driver of DUI at the time of the accident. As it was, there were also reports that Mr. Biden later apologized to the truck driver’s daughter for having made an unsubstantiated claim.

What Exactly are the Guiding Principles of Car Accident Laws?

Car accident laws are the legal rules followed in determining who is at fault in causing the resulting bodily injuries and property damage of a traffic collision or car crash.

This law is governed by first and foremost the principles of negligence. They apply as deciding factors for personal injury claims and possible critical litigation of the person responsible for causing the injuries and damages.

However, in order to make a legal claim, all state laws require the plaintiff or the victim/s of the car crash to show proof of the following:

1.  That the driver at fault was negligent in obeying road rules and in operating the vehicle in right manner;

2.  That there was breach in performing a civic duty, a lawful action or to fulfill a legal obligation;

3.  That there were actual injuries suffered as a result of the accident and that they did not exist prior to the car collision.

4.  That the negligent conduct and breach in performance had caused harm or damage to property that also directly or indirectly caused personal injury.

Costs of Lawsuits Can Become Financially Burdensome

However, the costs of obtaining all evidence present additional financial burden on the part of the plaintiff, while still in the midst of claiming compensation in a court of law. In cases where the plaintiff encounters financial difficulty during court proceedings or while awaiting judgment of the case, a pre settlement lawsuit loan can provide a solution.

Lawsuit loans are financial support provided by pre settlement lending companies as a form of cash advance backed by the potential collection of the personal injury settlement being claimed by the plaintiff. It is given under a no-recourse agreement, which means if the court judgment denies the plaintiff’s claim for compensation, the pre settlement firm will not enforce collection of payment. To learn more about pre settlement lawsuit loans, how it works and what are required, readers can find more information via this web address: .

Online Betting – Its Contribution To The US Economy

A lot of people enjoy gambling on soccer (football) games and where many constantly look for new means or channels to wager. With the multiplicity of sports betting websites now playing in the market paying out sizable amounts of money, getting on the wagon might be your opportunity to win big.

Wagering On Judi Bola

To better chances of winning, one of the many ways that bettors do is to participate in Asian gambling sites such as those from Indonesia and Thailand. You could place your wagers as you would on your usual soccer gambling site (or even more) by looking for a reliable and trusted Indonesian gambling site that offer Judi Bola. Again, similar to other sports betting sites, you will have to sign up for you to create an account, be able to make a deposit and begin to take part of the action in the Asian gambling market. Judi Bola, to put it simply, is an Indonesian term for football (soccer) gambling.

As majority of online gambling websites in Indonesia allow wagers on national as well as international matches, including Judi Bola, you have an extensive range of options when looking for the best and most suitable football games to wager on.

Online Betting – Its Contribution To Local Economies

In recent years, increasingly more nations are starting to welcome and accept the idea of regulating the gambling industry, which reflects the shifting attitudes of some countries towards the gambling sector wherein the activity was previously forbidden.

BetInvest, one of the top provider of technology solutions to the gaming as well as sports betting industry, believes that the shift is because of the numerous economic benefits the gambling industry offers on the local as well as national level. While it may take a long and arduous journey for the gambling/betting industry to achieve global acceptance, it is certain the countries with legalize sports betting and online casino gambling do benefit from it economically.

With the emergence of the online gambling structure, its framework is much different compared to land-based betting channels since legalize online betting interacts with the economy of a country with not much intensity. However, this doesn’t mean that the economy doesn’t benefit from it.

Before the PASPA was repealed, it was reported by government statistics that 150 billion US dollars was being spent on betting yearly where only 3% of that amount was spent in betting facilities that are legal. Because of the absence or lack of local sportsbooks and betting facilities, players in the US had to find another form of entertainment. This then made online betting a very popular alternative. Repealing the prohibition signified that putting a stop on this form of entertainment that many people find exciting isn’t possible.

By the end of the year 2018, outcome of the PASPA repeal was evident as the now legalized betting business provided the country 430 million US dollars in taxes as well as contributing about $3.4 billion annually to the economy of the US.

A Quick Look at Biden’s Plans for Rehabilitating the U.S. Economy

While the incoming administration’s immediate priority is to address the COVID-19 pandemic, Pres-Elect Biden also vows to rehabilitate the country’s economy.

During his 4-year term as President of the U.S., Mr. Biden plans to encourage American manufacturers to produce products “made in all of America”. The incoming president’s goal is to make sure there will be an increased observance of the “Buy American” rule among local consumers. That way domestic manufacturing in the country will in turn result in the creation of more production jobs for U.S. citizens.

How Does Future President Biden Plan to Carry Out “Made in All of America” Scheme

Part of President-elect Biden’s plans for the economy includes adding a 10% tax on U.S. firms with overseas manufacturing affairs. This is to discourage and counter potential loopholes that make it possible for multinational US firms to conceal from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) their actual profits from offshore operations. As an incentive, the new POTUS will recommend proposals in helping local businesses reinforce their operations by being rewarded with a 10% tax credit.

However, with all the President-elect’s plans for the country, such as major investments for restoring the country’s collapsing infrastructure and improving the education system, the Biden administration will require a substantial amount of federal funding in order to achieve such goals. One of the main considerations is to increase taxes imposed on well-off American citizens, as this would offset the $1.5 trillion tax savings that the wealthy sector enjoys through the Trump administration’s introduction of tax cuts for the country’s billionaires.

Moreover, as American manufacturers strive to produce 100% Made in America products, commitment to this program will reduce if not eliminate the demand for Chinese raw materials, components and spare parts. If this plan succeeds, there will be no complaint about the huge gap between U.S. and China Trade. Mainly because the U.S. will no longer be buying more Chinese products than what China buys from the U.S.

Still, financial analysts and trade experts cite certain drawbacks that will make it difficult for the Biden administration to achieve such goals. Since they are still plans, they need legislations to which Congressional approval depends if the Democratic Party will take away majority control of the Senate House from the Republicans.

During Trump’s term, the Republicans maintained majority control, which Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel exploited by blocking if not voting down nearly all House Democratic proposals passed on to the Senate. In fact such actions earned him the moniker “Grim Reaper” of which McConnell took pride as a title. .

Businesses Might Clamor for the Immediate Rollback of Tariffs Imposed by Trump on Chinese Imports

According to trade experts, while the president-elect may be tied to his Made In America pledge, he will also be forced to lift Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods. Doing so will remove a leverage that President Biden could use in negotiating trade concessions with China. While the policies to support the Made in America program is still in the pipeline, or at worst blocked by the Senate Grim Reaper, local manufacturers and business could clamor for the reversal of the tariffs as they are additional costs being borne by US importers.

Economy – why people have to do business

People depend on a lot of things to survive. Since prehistoric times, people have been making shelter, tools, and clothes. Most of these goods are not sufficient. Their production takes time that cannot then be used for other activities or not available in sufficient quantities in order to meet the needs of the people.

Self-sufficient people even would be forced to make economic decisions as a result of this scarcity. This is why has been popular.


What is the subject of economics?

Economics deals with the problem of scarcity from a macroeconomic perspective. The most important sub-areas are micro and macroeconomics.

Microeconomics analyzes the behavior of individual private households or companies. It examines economic decision-making – for example using utility functions, whereby a striving for the greatest possible benefit or profit is assumed – and their effect on macroeconomic relationships.

Macroeconomics combines the individual economic subjects into whole sectors such as “private households”, “companies”, “state”, and “abroad”. It deals with macroeconomic relationships and variables, such as the total demand of all households, employment, or national income.

Because of the close proximity of economics, which used to be referred to as economics, to political issues, it has repeatedly drawn great thinkers from science, politics, and moral philosophy under its spell over the past centuries.


What does the history of economics show?

The economic theories can often only be understood if one takes into account the specific social issues that economists have addressed from the late 17th century to the present day.

Since the beginning of economics, the most diverse economic ideas and models have been devoted to solving the problem of scarcity. The history of their origins is closely linked to the prevailing political, social, and economic conditions. Dealing with specific problems gave decisive impulses for the further development of economics and influenced practical action through new findings and suggestions for solving the problem of scarcity.

Why is the market not coping with unemployment?

The reasons for this lie in the behavior of companies and consumers. The classical economists had assumed that the wage rate regulates supply and demand on the labor market, while the interest rate matches the investments of companies with the savings necessary for financing.

Maximizing the Features and Benefits of Your Checking Account

If you are playing in an online casino like BandarQQ, you can use your checking account to make withdrawal and deposits. Aside from that, you can use it in other applications too such as paying bills, accessing cash, transferring money and many more. It doesn’t matter if you are setting up a direct deposit for your job or paying tuition at school, being able to learn tips to assist you in managing your money and getting the most out of your account is going to be a big help.

Setting Up Direct Deposit

Among the simplest ways of getting the best from your checking account is by setting up a direct deposit to it. This is basically the safest and fastest way of depositing money straight into your bank account. Probably, your employer offered this service to you and will ask you to register for it. Obviously, you can still make deposits using an ATM, a teller, account transfer or through online banking.

Open an Online Banking Account

As you enroll to online banking, this means that you’ll be able to keep track of your accounts which include the following information:

  • Transaction history
  • Current balance

You can do these things by just logging in. Mobile banking additionally helps in doing the same in your tablet or smartphone.

Furthermore, as you opt to bank online, you can conveniently pay bills, order checks, track spending, set travel and alert flags, manage your account from literally everywhere and everything in between.

Use Your Debit Card

With the presence of a debit card, you’ll be able to have access to your checking account securely and safely without dealing with the hassle of checks or cash. You may make use of your debit card at hundreds or thousands of different locations all over the globe. These include places that do not take checks similar to online merchants.

Debit cards may be used at ATMs for making withdrawals, deposits and transfers between accounts and this will not work with digital wallets. With the availability of a debit card, your withdrawals and purchases are directly deducted from your checking account. Debit cards are also offering security in the event that your card is either stolen or lost or if there’s fraud transactions that occurred.

Easily Move Money between Different Accounts

Say for example that you have savings and checking account in the same bank, transferring money between these accounts are going to be easy.

Many Gig Workers in a Limbo, as Talks on 4th Stimulus Stalled

While negotiations over the 4th coronavirus relief package have stalled, the gig workers are hurting the most, as many have since been living their lives in a limbo. Although Trump signed an executive order for extending the direct payment unemployment check, the order reduced the financial aid down to $400, out of which only $300 will be delivered as direct assistance to American citizens. The $100 dollar difference will go to state coffers as supplementary funding for their respective Corona Relief Fund.

Moreover, Trump’s executive orders (EOs) only caused the talks to drag longer. making the Republicans less enthusiastic since the EOs give the appearance that some legal assistance is already in place. Notwithstanding that Trump’s executive mandates are unconstitutional because in effect, he is bypassing the required congressional approval.

Besides, there are other unaddressed issues that need resolutions, particularly the plight of gig workers and their eligibility, or rather ineligibility, to receive state unemployment benefits.

Although the CARES Act’s Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) aimed to include the self-employed, the freelance and gig workers as recipients of state unemployment benefits up to December 2020. As it is, many of these groups of workers have been disqualified due to their lack of capabilities to meet state requirements.

In most states, applicants for unemployment insurance benefits must have earned enough wages during a specific base period of employment. Clearly, how gig workers and the like, can qualify for state unemployment benefits is an issue that lawmakers need to tackle in extending the PEUC.


What Exactly are State Unemployment Benefits and How are They Funded?

Unemployment benefits are actually the financial assistance that employed citizens of a particular state can claim, when they become involuntarily unemployed. However, persons who become unemployed must not have caused the reason/s for the loss of work. Moreover, they must meet certain eligibility requirements stipulated under the laws of the state granting administrating the unemployment insurance program.

Unemployment benefits are derived from the unemployment insurance trust fund that is financed through payroll taxes paid by employers as Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) This payroll tax, is due on the first $7,000 of a workers’ earnings to be remitted as insurance coverage for state workers in case of involuntary unemployment.

In the event the state unemployment insurance funds are not enough, state governments can draw from the state reserves; and if still not enough, a state government can borrow from the federal fund. Currently, several state governments still have outstanding federal loans used in funding the unemployment benefits of laid off workers.

Self-employed, freelance and gig workers do not have the protection of the unemployment insurance fund but were given special privilege under the PEUC. Still, their occupation has placed them in a situation where they are unable to meet some state eligibility requirements.

Understanding Market Balance In Forex Trading

In economics, the simplest model to explain a free, competitive market is that of supply and demand . The price of merchandise is fixed at the point where the amount of demand equals the amount on offer – the market balance.

Who is the best person to guide you on understanding the market balance? Forex brokers are skilled with great analytical thinking. They can help you understand this concept. If you are a beginner in Forex trading, it is then important to choose your broker wisely by doing a simple Forex broker compare.

Understanding Supply and Demand

Let us assume that you are on the way to shopping. You need apples and there is only one apple dealer who stocks just the right amount of apples. They negotiate, agree on a price and carry out the exchange: an agreed amount of apples for an agreed amount of currency. You and the seller have successfully completed a deal in which both parties have achieved their desired goal.

The next day, you plan to buy the same amount of apples again, but you find two apple sellers selling identical apples, each with the amount of apples they need. This means an excess supply , the demand for apples is lower than the supply. There is competition between the two sellers, both of which reduce the price, assuming that they will buy the cheaper apples. A new, lower market price will level off and they will thank the free market for the fact that their nature made their purchase cheaper.

Alternatively, they could go to the market with a friend who plans to buy the same amount of the same apples and instead generate excess demand. The seller would find that he could drive up the price of his apples, since you and your friend will buy all the apples anyway and still don’t have enough afterwards.

This is the multiplication table of economics. It is absolutely essential that you as a prospective trader understand this simple connection, because it is the basis for the Forex market and the price determination on the stock exchanges in general. From here on, the level of complexity of the relationships increases exponentially.

The basic example with the apple market can also be applied to the foreign exchange market:

  • Every time a particular currency is bought, there is a small amount of excess demand, which increases the price / rate.
  • Likewise, selling currency leads to excess supply, which lowers the price / rate.

The impact of a single such shift is determined by the trading volume of the transaction – for example, weighty traders such as national banks can cause a serious imbalance if they change the volume of their national currency. On the other hand, smaller traders such as private traders can only influence the market balance individually to a small extent – but their large number in turn gives them greater, combined influence.

The philosophy of price balancing , based on supply and demand, is a key component in the functioning of forex trading and the stock exchange. All economic events that occur in the world are relevant to the market in only one way: to what extent they influence (possibly planned) supply and demand of an asset.

Going back to the apple market. if one of the two apple sellers has to leave the market due to bankruptcy, for example, they can expect apple prices to rise.

How Serious the Financial Market Breakdown because of Covid-19?

The severity of damage brought by Covid-19 will be based on how fast the virus would be contained, the measures that authorities are taking in containing it and to how much economic support the government will deploy.

In fact, the early indications of the impact of Covid-19 on Chinese market and economy as a whole were worse than what is initially expected. Surveys of services and manufacturing sector have plunged to an all time low late in February, the sales in automobile industry plummeted to 80% and export dropped to 17.2% in the first quarter of the year. With this negative impact in the economy as a whole, many of the Chinese investors and market were considering lån uten kredittsjekk 20 år anmeldelse.

Though according to official reports have confirmed that the widespread slowdown in economics have foreshadowed low levels of pollution as well as depressed shipping traffic among several informal barometers.

Most Vulnerable Sectors and Economies

The outbreak of Covid-19 shocked demand and supply which reverberated not just in China, but in world’s economy. One of the major economies that were impacted outside China are:

  • Japan
  • Australia and;
  • South Korea

The major European economies are likely to suffer from dislocations as the countries begin to adapt to restrictive responses and the continuous spread of the virus. All of this is done with an effort to curb all manufacturing activities at regional hubs which include Northern Italy.

Because of depressed activities, the UN is projecting that the flow of foreign direct investments may fall anywhere between 5 to 15 percent to its lowest rate since the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009.

How is the Financial Market Impacted by Economic Slowdown?

With the fear of an even broader and farther outbreak along with its economic impact, to various financial markets and not to mention, international indices are closing to bear market spectrum, declining at around 20% as investors are processing the low corporate earnings that’ll be brought by the virus. As a matter of fact, S&P 500 have fallen to 7% in opening of the March 9 session which have triggered a “circuit breaker”; otherwise known as the brief suspension of trading for the first time since the session of 1997.  All in all, the index is down by around 17% after hitting a record high back on February.

Just one thing is for certain, the longer the virus is out and continuously spreads, the more company and economies will be impacted.

How Proactive Entrepreneurs Thrive Amidst COVID-19

While it has been common to read news about businesses shutting down and losing revenue, it’s also inspiring to read about those that are thriving.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had announced early on that the spread of novel coronavirus outbreak in the country is imminent; and that it was only a question of when it will happen. Many proactive business entrepreneurs took stock of their mitigation plans and immediately devised alternative plans.

While others waited and held on to hopes that the novel coronavirus crisis will just be another case of SARS, H1N1 or Ebola that did not greatly affect the country. One thing that many people had overlooked was that the country’s current president does not believe in making decisions based on scientific information.

In local governments like those in the San Francisco Bay Area, public health officials supported by public health experts in their communities, declared the need to put their regions under lockdown to prevent the spread of the contagion. To which, mayors and later, governors did their part by supporting their public health official’s call for a lockdown. Not a few entrepreneurs realized too late that a lockdown also meant shutting down of businesses engaged in providing or trading nonessential goods and services.

Nonetheless, some others lost no time in making changes or taking proactive steps to keep their business afloat in the midst of the global pandemic.

Proactive Steps Taken by Entrepreneurs Who Continue to Thrive During the Health Crisis

Some took note of how China’s neighboring countries were dealing with the outbreak, and what small businesses were doing in order to face the challenges they were facing.

Most business organizations in countries like Malaysia and Singapore, immediately appealed to landlords of commercial properties, to defer collection of rental payments in light of their diminished capacity to generate sales. Many commercial space renters in the U.S. put forward the same appeal to their landlords and property managers in preparation for the inevitable.

Other American businesses took to improving and enhancing their online stores and delivery services. Some others were quick to devise plans that entailed shifting to products regarded as highly usable during a pandemic, such as hand sanitizers, alcohol and disinfectants.


Instead of making car stain removers, one entrepreneur shifted to manufacturing alcohol and hand sanitizers. Another example is one where production of visors and caps halted to give way to the production of face masks.

Many developers were quick to release new educational and other child-friendly apps designed to keep children as schools were the firsts to close down. Not a few, simply applied financial management strategies hand in hand with the principles of crisis management in running their business.

COVID 19 Shocked World Economy

As the new coronavirus infection (Corona19) spreads to various countries, it is paralyzing the global economy, raising concerns about the global economic downturn. According to Bloomberg News on the 13th, China, the United States, Japan, Germany, France, and Italy due to the infliction of Corona 19. These major countries are not doing well, and it is possible to record negative economic growth.

China is already being evaluated for the first time in the first quarter of this year due to the impact of Corona 19, and the United States, according to a study by the Bloomberg Economic Analysis Team, said that the probability of ending the 11-year expansion is 53%.

COVID-19 uncertainty: A virus-weakened global economy

The United States and the European Union (EU) faced the “clear potential” of the recession due to the Coronavirus spreading not just the infection but fear among many investors. The financial market could face the possibility of stagnation. 

Larry Summers, a former US Treasury Secretary, said that Corona 19 could be the most serious crisis of the century, with an 80 percent chance that the United States will be in a recession. The US investment bank BOA lowered its forecast for world economic growth this week to 2.2% from the previous 2.8%.

Wall Street believes the world economy should grow by more than 3.5% in the long run.

“The panic panic continues to spread, which will lead to a global economic downturn,” said Ed Jardeni, chief executive of investment advisory firm Jardeni Research.

JP Morgan said to its clients this week that the risk of a global economic downturn “is materializing,” to regain economic vitality, with the end of Corona 19, more aggressive and creative responses from policymakers, corporate hiring, and financial support from banks is necessary.

Indeed, policymakers around the world are actively responding by providing $ 130 billion in financial and financial support measures related to Corona19 including personal loans (LooseLending personal loans), but it is not enough to revive the contracted demand.

The Federal Reserve (Fed), the central bank of the United States, cut urgency rates on the 3rd, but has not been able to restore market confidence, and is under pressure to cut interest rates again the week before the scheduled monetary policy meeting.

The European Central Bank (ECB) has also released comprehensive support measures to expand liquidity on the market this week, but it has not calmed the market’s anxiety.

Singapore DBS Bank’s Senior Timer Bagim Economist says that although many economic figures have yet to show the serious impact of Corona 19, it can be more serious than the financial crisis. The Corona 19 is shrinking economic activity in many channels, including consumers and businesses.

Dramatic Drop In Prices Due To Coronavirus – Trading On Wall Street Had Been Suspended

The coronavirus is burdening the economy. After bad news from the auto industry, an industry association is now making a bitter forecast.

Investor’s panic that taken the world over the virus corona impacted Canadian stocks (including the best Canadian dividend stocks) as well as the loonie after having a second person tested positive in Toronto. Leaders of the world are suddenly coming together to take necessary measures against Coronavirus. Bankruptcies should be prevented as a result of this sudden outbreak. In order to contain the economic consequences of the Corona epidemic, the leaders of the grand coalition in Germany have agreed to make short-time benefits easier. For example, the social security contributions are to be fully reimbursed by the Federal Employment Agency, as the coalition committee decided on Monday night.

How the coronavirus might affect the global economy

Within the framework of ordinance authorizations, the conditions for receiving short-time work benefits are to be facilitated and benefits are to be expanded. In addition to the reimbursement of social contributions, this includes reducing the quorum of the workforce affected by lost work to up to ten percent, as stated in the declaration of the coalition leaders. So far, the threshold has been at least a third. In addition, short-time work benefits should also be available from temporary workers.

“As a result of the corona crisis, as far as possible no company in Germany should go bankrupt and no job should be lost,” emphasized the leaders of the Union and SPD. They referred to the “proven funding instruments” available to the companies concerned. At the same time, the coalition leaders assured, should the situation worsen, “we want to be able to react quickly and precisely”.

A Bitter Forecast – A Possible Slide Into A Recession

While the Federal Association of German Industry warns clearly of a recession in Germany, the German catering and hotel industry is demanding state aid due to severe business losses as a result of the coronavirus. Many industries had been severely affected by the coronavirus epidemic and something has to be done to save the people and their livelihood.

Given the massive consequences for the economy from the coronavirus, the industry sees the danger of a recession in Germany increasing considerably. “Economic growth is almost at a standstill,” says a quarterly report from the Federal Association of German Industry (BDI). If there is no economic normalization in the countries affected by the corona epidemic in the second quarter, the BDI expects economic output in Germany to decline for the year as a whole.

According to the IMF, the economic downturn is not yet foreseeable

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is also lowering its forecast for global economic growth this year due to the virus. Growth will be lower in 2020 than in the previous year, said IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva. How much the economy will decline is not yet foreseeable at the moment. In January the IMF had forecast an increase of 3.3 percent for 2020. The IMF plans to provide an updated forecast next month.

The BDI is now calling on the federal government to act. In the coalition, economic policy measures would have to be agreed quickly and, if possible, decided before Easter. A suggestion from the BDI is easier short-time work. “Germany must not slide into a recession with eyesight,” warns the association.

Meanwhile, the US Congress has agreed on a billion-dollar package to fight the coronavirus. Republicans and Democrats decided to fund emergency measures against the epidemic with a total of $ 8.3 billion. For US President Donald Trump, the coronavirus is currently the biggest enemy.

The Coronavirus Epidemic Impacts Global Economy

Bavaria’s Prime Minister and CSU boss Markus Söder expect drastic consequences for the global economy due to the global spread of the coronavirus. “Corona as a global phenomenon could have a similar effect to the financial crisis,” said the 53-year-old to Munich’s Merkur. There is currently no answer to the threat of a recession, “but I’m already worried and vigilant.” Especially for the strongly export-oriented economy – like in Bavaria – the virus is the next big test after the trade dispute between China and the USA and Brexit.

Senator Warren Leads Calls for SEC to Investigate Possible Insider Trading of Defense Firms’ Stocks

Days before Trump’s order to launch the drones that killed Gen. Qasem Soleimani was carried out, the U.S. president was reportedly dropping hints to his Mar-a-Lago guests that “something big was about to happen in Iran.”

In separate reports following the killing of the Iranian general, the stock market reported that while a range of major indices showed a sharp decline in stock market performance, there was a corollary surge in the trading of defense stocks.

Stock market analysts noted that contrary to historical trends, defense stock trading usually doubles within six months after a critical Middle East event had transpired. Yet a week after the so-called big Iran-event that Trump hinted to his Florida resort guests, trading immediately saw stocks of aerospace and defense weapons companies taking palce vigorously.

Did Mar-a-Lago Guests Benefit from Trump’s Hints

Now, Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren and Chris Van Hollen, are calling on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to investigate if Trump’s Mar-a-Lago hints to his guests, prompted the massive trading of defense stocks; on whether the Mar-a-Lago guests are among those who benefited from the strong trading of defense stocks a few days after Trump’s Iran order was carried out.

In a letter which the Democratic presidential contender addressed to the SEC and the Commodities Futures Chairmen, she and Senator Van Hollen called for an investigation to determine if President Trump’s handling of sensitive and classified national security information did not result to insider trading.

Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Maryland is a prominent member of a Senate subcommittee overseeing investments and securities.

Is Bitcoin Harbinger of Good News?

Back in the days, only few people thought of Bitcoin. But now, it is starting to make a huge impact in the world as a whole. Alongside this is the number of people who want to learn to use bitcoin trading bot to take advantage of the trend that’s happening.

News surrounding Bitcoin and all other blockchain and cryptocurrencies are followed by the millions. From private companies, banks, investors and even the government, they seemed to show genuine interest in such. Whether seeking a way to become rich or warning for a possibility crypto bubble, most people are accepting Bitcoin to have a major impact on a nation’s economy.

In the next lines, you are going to learn how cryptocurrencies are affecting an economy and whether it is good or bad.

Goodbye Middlemen

Among the main features for using Bitcoin is the fact that it does not need intermediary similar to what a conventional currency does. Instead, of a bank or central institution to validate the transaction, users of currency are verifying it in decentralized manner.

This has actually made countless banks worried for cryptocurrencies are eliminating their service. Due to the reason that they do not need to pass through several parties, transactions can be done quickly and faster.

Separating Transactions from Native Currencies

For the sake of this subject, let us focus on US dollar which acts as reserve currency for world’s economy and the mainstream option for doing financial transactions. That’s the major source of power that America has and it too has enabled US and other nations to place economic sanctions among other countries.

Transactions involving cryptocurrency however do not need US connections. Because it’s providing financial actors a method to take part in global economy and navigate through US economic policies.

Lifting Barriers to Entry

Cryptocurrencies have empowered entrepreneurs as well in bypassing the traditional routes of raising funds for blockchain and crypto-related businesses. Instead of persuading the entrepreneurs as well as banks to invest in their project, they could actually bypass this regulation via ICO or Initial Coin Offering.

Basically, ICO is almost the same with initial public offering, to which a company is offering shares in the company for best possible time. Truth is, numerous countries began putting restrictions on ICOs for one, no Securities Exchange Commissions are regulating it. The fact that this method of fundraising approach receives so much attention, it shows that it is quite disruptive.

Commercial Loans And Financing

If you are getting started with or growing your business, you may possibly require funds. Think carefully about the kind of financing to take as it may impact your cash flow and tax obligations.

Considerations before taking out a loan:

  • decide exactly how much funds you will require
  • create a reasonable business plan
  • look into the time schedule you will have to pay back the loan
  • ascertain your capability to pay back the loan

Forms of Finance

There are two primary forms of finance which any business can take. A business is not limited to only one type of financing but can actually take advantage of the two forms of financing.

  • Debt finance – funds obtained from alternative loan providers, like a bank.
  • Equity finance – making an investment with your own asset or cash from any other stakeholders.

Where to get the funding you need?

The main options for debt financing are financial institutions such as banks and credit unions. Funding could be offered as a loan, an overdraft, and a line of credit.

  • Retailers and suppliers are a good source of store credit. While some retailers can trust you by providing you a line of credit, retailers also route it through a finance company through store cards. Nonetheless, store cards have high-interest rates but there are retailers who offer a period of free interest which any business can take advantage of.
  • Factor Companies or debtor finance is also a good avenue to look at. Factoring means selling its invoices or accounts receivables to third party finance or in this case a factoring company. This allows a business to get the cash they need without having to wait for the period of customer payments. Therefore, customer payments will directly be credited to the factoring company. The fee that comes with this service varies from company to company. It is then crucial to do some basic comparison in terms of fees before deciding on a factory company and getting into a contract.
  • Invoice financing is generally similar to factoring. The difference is in the customer payments which is directly credited to the business instead of the company that provided financing. In this case, customers are not involved and are not aware of the arrangement between the business owner and the financer.
  • Peer to peer lending is another source of funds that you can consider. This matches people in need of money to people who have money to invest. Funds loaned out will have to be paid in a specific time period along with interest rates. Note that interest rates will vary depending on the risk involved.
  • Before looking for funding sources outside, it would be nice to look for funding sources within your circle of family and friends. If a family member or a friend decides to lend you the funds you need, make sure that everything is placed in writing to avoid possible conflicts in the future.

On a side note, if you are a business and facing litigation due to personal injury, you have access to pre-settlement loans. If you are facing a car accident lawsuit, you have access to car accident loans. This is a type of funding drawn against the expected amount you get from a pending case. This is also known as lawsuit loans, car accident loans, and litigation loans. While there are many terms referring to this type of loan, note that this loan is essentially not a loan but works more like a cash advance.

Financing Yourself Through Affiliate Marketing

Being self employed through affiliate marketing is the best option. Getting started on it only requires low overhead and do not need an individual to create, store or distribute products. Payment method for affiliate marketers are achieved by referral system of new clients to other types of products or services. These are the hypes of creating your own business through affiliate marketing.

Getting into the real world of Affiliate Marketing

Many so-called affiliate specialists and get-rich-quick schemes are the predominant dilemmas within the affiliate marketing industry. However, it is good to understand from the very start that financial acquisition via affiliate marketing is verified on an individuals dedication, consistency, and analysis on the chosen products or services.

Financial gain does not really depend on the fact that affiliate marketing is a reasonable income choice. Instead, what really matters is the way you can allow affiliate marketing applicable for you.

Ways to be successful in the field of Affiliate Marketing

Here are helpful tips for you to consider in case you want to engage yourself in affiliate marketing. These can guide you in your decision making if committing for an affiliate marketing plan is really applicable for your financial goals.

1. Studying the background and origin of affiliate marketing

It is advisable that you should know all the relevant information regarding affiliate marketing. Moreover, it is also good if you would search for successful businesses and product brands as well as well-known personalities within the industry.

2. Test the products yourself

Buying the products that you want to market is a good option as you can able try it yourself. This can let you to personally testify to the product quality. Quality is the key as you will be assessed by products and services that you are offering and promoting. So, it is really recommendable to give emphasis on the quality of the brand that you choose to promote and not just only on its possible earnings.

3. Know and analyse each affiliate program

Prior to engaging yourself in an affiliate marketing program that you choose to join with, it is much better to search and study about it first. Better to understand their method of joining, marketing mechanism, and mode of payment. It is also be good if you could look for reviews for you to be guided by the experiences of other affiliate marketers. For example, you want to join the Affiliate Institute, you will see that there are various reviews about it. Browsing the web, you will see such reviews and Deadline News has a good review of them.

4. Create a blog

Making a blog or other channels via the social media can help you to promote the affiliate links effectively. Be careful in choosing the items that you would like to market as it should complement with both your niche and blog content.

5. Monitor the status of your affiliate program

In case you are utilizing various programs or other types of ads, it is helpful to monitor the status of each of those.

Moody Analytics Foresees A Global Recession in the Next 12 to 18 Months

Mark Zandi, Moody’s Chief Economist warns that the possibility of a recession transpiring in the next 12 to 18 months is uncomfortably high. He opines that the reality of a recession will happen if things do not turn out as planned.

According to the Moody analyst, a recession can be avoided if president Donald Trump does not escalate the tariff war with China, and if the UK arrives at a favorable solution to Brexit. Mr. Zandi also factors in the ability of central banks to maintain monetary stimulus. Still, he foresees that even if a recession does not occur, he predicts that the global economy will be much weaker, since he doubts if policymakers will be able to alter the current trend.

Although other economists do not agree with Mr. Zandi’s prediction about a forthcoming recession, they acknowledge the likely possibility of having a devitalized economy.

According to Professor Eswar Prasad of Cornell University, relying on consumer spending alone is not a sustainable condition. It has helped support growth in various economies but also faltered in other sectors. The professor stated that the key to economic growth is a set of policies aimed at reviving business and consumer confidence in order to boost investments.

Current Trend of Economic Activities in the U.S.

A recent poll conducted by revealed that in the United States, most Americans have not actually recovered from the blows dealt by the 2008-2009 Great Recession. The latter event left many American households with fewer reasons to celebrate.’s Sr. Economic Analyst, Mark Hamrick, said they found out that tens of millions of Americans are still struggling to even go back to their previous condition before the economy went south and took a turn for the worse.

Their latest survey showed that more than half of the American adults who went through the Great Recession said they experienced some kind of adverse financial impact. To which half of them said that they are even doing worse now, compared to how they were before the financial crisis of the previous decade took place

Such findings can be supported by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) data that shows more than half of American households today are without emergency savings.

Correspondingly, the U.S. Commerce Department came out with a report indicating that consumer retail spending fell for the first time since February of this year. Although August retail-spends went up by 0.6%, September saw a 0.3% drop; providing a clear sign that at present, the U.S. is experiencing slow economic growth.

Affected by the 0.3% slash in household spending are the online retailers, sellers of building materials and automobile dealers. According to the report, the decline in retail spending became apparent in February.

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